About us

Welcome to our website. All the apartments, non-residential premises and parking spaces advertised here are offered for rental purposes only (for lease, not for sale), and all of them are owned by the City of Ostrava.

A total of 60 apartments will be advertised here (in three apartment blocks – Husova St., Střelniční St. and Janáčkova St.), plus 3 non-residential units (Střelniční St.).

In the near future, more municipal apartments will be constructed as part of the Nové Lauby development, which will occupy the currently vacant space between four streets (Muzejní, Velká, Dlouhá, Pivovarská) in Ostrava’s city centre.

The lease and services for tenants of these apartments are administered by Černá louka s.r.o., a company 100% owned by the City of Ostrava.
